
Residing in the Lower Realm under the despotic rule of the Big Horns, Drilp faces many expectations. Although he is vaguely aware of a concept called "civic duty," as a devotee to the fallen virtue of Sloth, Drilp finds it difficult to summon the energy even to annoy the souls under his charge, let alone torment them. This is not the only problem stemming from his profound laziness, but just as his efforts to run away from work often result in only more, there are accidental benefits all aiding in his eternal journey through a lesser-known demonic world that is somewhat familiar, it having been contaminated by our own.

This is the home of the Demon Lord Drilp.
Abandon ambition all ye who enter here.

About the Author

Not All Is As It Appears

There is a stubborn rumor going around that a dastardly hack has appropriated the name and likeness of a semi-reputable science fiction writer in a craven attempt to protect his/her own standing within the community from further erosion. This outrage must be countered.

The following therefore is a link to another website featuring the said author's alleged sci-fi work and you, discerning reader, are dared to declare that the author presented here to the left is not the same guy.

Lords of Legan Website